Thursday 8 October 2015

Review ~The Perfect Zipper!
I have been hard at work on my crochet purse. I tried many different ways to get my zipper right, but in the end I found a great zipper attachment tutorial by Pattern Paradise​

Now my zipper is perfect!

This was my most successful zipper attachment EVER! Thank you Pattern Paradise for your post called, Tutorial: Conquering the Zipper! It may have saved my project from complete disaster!
I realise just how confusing attaching a zipper can be. After trying, multiple times, to master it all on my own...and failing horribly, the Tutorial: Conquering the Zipper was brought to my attention. 
Right away I thought it was brilliant, and so much easier than my failed ideas!

If you also want a perfect zipper, you just have to try this tutorial. 

Also, don't forget to Like Pattern Paradise's Facebook Page HERE.

I love my purse, but it is not yet finished. Part of me wants to add a pocket on the outside, or maybe on the inside.
 Part of me wants to keep it as is. 
I'm so indecisive at times...

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