Wednesday 24 July 2013

Time Capsule Idea by Niftnnifer

With the play house construction still under way and so much left to do, we have decided to leave a couple time capsules. I have avoided showing the 'contents' of the capsules to preserve their sentimental value. And some times it's good to forget whats inside. (It makes it more of a surprise).

The first container is a quick box we had Daddy build.  The kids put in some things they love and closed the lid. Daddy nailed it closed. A good idea would be to decorate the container with pretty paper... The 2nd time capsule is a pretty red box. It contains a small gift my husband gave me when we first began dating in 2004. I hope that we are still happily married when we see this again.

You can use many different containers for your time capsule. Try a cookie tin, a jar, an old jewelry box...
Fill it with some things from your time.  a CD, pokemon, hockey cards, a favorite about some cash (wonder how much that'll change in 50 years? ).
Place it in the wall (for Luck) or safe place.

In 10, 15, 20..or even 50 years you can come back for it.
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